The Barrow Shrine of Corruption, an offering for B/X, somewhere in the range of low level (probably 2-4). While appearing quite rote at first, this vile hole in the ground has few secrets that bring it up from the level of generic spider hole.
The Barrow Shrine is, as it sounds, is a buried shrine to demon with a Latin adjective for a name (Impuratus, a good choice). The shrine has become home to a fairly large group of gnolls who live uneasily with two Giant Black Widow Spiders. On first glance, it’s pretty uninspiring but competent. However, upon a closer look there is more under the surface. For one thing, there is a proper order of battle. The gnolls try to push players into the spider’s cave, which is a webbed chimney. The players have a few rounds to try and prevent this by falling back to the main entrance before the gnolls can cut them off. The gnolls can only join the fray two at time, and their entryways can be blocked by clever action from the players. It’s a very dynamic combat encounter in the first room.
Secondly, I like the map a lot. It’s very vertical and really feels like a structure that was built on top of a cave system. I can easily buy this place as actually existing. It just feels right in some way. Good vanilla is the term that comes to mind, which is what I personally like for contests like these.
Finally, the treasure is alright. Probably not going to spark any great joy after fighting through a pack of gnolls and possible being eaten by spiders or poisoned, but it’s not a bad haul for the honest work a day basicman. Not a whole lot to say about this one sadly, making this review’s tardiness even less excusable.
Sail On,
That sounds cracking - where’s it available from?
It was part of the Adventure Sire Contest by Coldlight Press. You can pick up the final collection with Barrow Shrine it it here: