Adventure Site Contest - Etta Capp's Cottage
Spiders, in the spiderwebs? It's more likely than you think.
Another ad&d entry, this one for characters level 3-5. It describes the lair of Etta Capp, an ettercap-matron. It certainly has a theme, that of spiders. Some might even call it one note, but there are some truly interesting ideas that help save it. Let's brave the webs and see what lies within.
First off, this location is an interesting take on a spider lair. Instead of simply being a big tangle of web, the web has been spun in such a way as to resemble a cottage, complete with working shutters. A notable attempt to prevent players from simply burning the horrid thing from afar is appreciated in this context. Endless swarms of monstrous spiders will beset any who try such a method, and the webs themselves have a power Protection from Fire cast upon them. A smart move from a sentient spider with spellcasting powers. The inside of the cottage is also made entirely of webs, all in the guise of normal furnishings. I particularly like the detail that small spiders come and repair any damage to the web or web furnishings, to prevent simply smashing or tearing through the walls from being a an easy way in or out. You will be fighting webs all night should you wish sojourn here, there is no doubt about that.
Aside from the set piece location, the actual content of the dungeon is fairly lackluster. It's all spiders all the way down. Which makes sense, but doesn't really spark joy. However, there are two important notes that make this not completely boring. The first is that spiders can pass through the various "walls" of webs, albeit by using half their movement. Second, the spiders in the cottage can communicate with each other silently, via web tapping. I am unsure what the range is, but a generous reading is that all spiders know the party's location at all times. Which is a terrifying prospect. A spiteful referee could easily make this an absolute slog based on that sentence alone.
Finally, I like the map. It's a neat take on the cottage, and Etta Capp herself has some very interesting treasure. This is a solid module, that needed slightly more oomph inside of the site itself to spice things up. Some webbed zombies, now also benefiting from the Fire Resistance of the webs, some angered sprites or dryads from the oaks. Anything to spice up the encounters just a bit.
Sail on,
P.S. apologies for the extended absence, work has had me undesirous of writing. I am attempting to finish these reviews quickly, while still giving them a fair shake. Once they are done, I have a serious of articles that may prove to be fairly spicy, so look forward to those. Thank you all for reading, I truly appreciate it.
Appreciate you sticking with it!