The entry is and ad&d offering for (hopefully) characters of level 8-10. Produced by Ethan B, this is a gleeful farce of an adventure that doesn't seem to take itself too seriously. But it is the reviewer's duty to remained dour faced and pretend to not get any jokes. So, to the flensing floor we go.
So what do we have, an evil monastery, filled with "yuppie" cultists, references to medieval Triptych paintings, and literal monster closets. Honestly, you have to admire the spirit of the thing, but it's a complete mess in the end. The main issue is the target level. This site swings in difficulty out of nowhere, and the blurb at the beginning says it best "Player characters below the level range could handle the upper level if they are careful and diplomatic, or have too many magic items and hirelings. The well under the chapel is another matter, and should pose a challenge for both the referee and the players." While I don't mind the occasional softball adventure (it's good practice to throw your players a bone every now and again. Not every single game night has to be a perilous life or death slog). This one is a little too soft and them WHAM 666 demons. My benevolent nature says to treat this as a sort of meta trap, it lures players into complacency, but really the gap is too wide.
All in all I don't have much to say about this one. It's unpolished and untested as stated. Run it and enjoy the jokes, it will be fine. Or it wont. I really can't say.
-Sail On,