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Have I become a reclusive critic, too refined in taste for normal gaming?
Well, I am still writing reviews for the Adventure Site contest, but I thought now would be a good time to give a quick update on the other goings on, specifically as they relate to gaming.
I am still running two games, one a story game by OSR standards and of little importance here. That has been going strong since the 12th of January and meets every two weeks or so. The Tideland Empire game is more or less on pause as the players and I work through some rules confusion, however we have started up another game in the meantime that has fallen into a cadence of every other Sunday. That game is a RAW ACKS II game starting from zero and also using the Tideland Empire setting. It's been fun,we're at 7 sessions of it. No sessions reports yet, as there is hidden information in that game as well, but rest assured they will come.
On the players side of things, I *was* briefly in an in-person ad&d 2e game at my local game store, however work seems determined to kick me out of that one (I now much travel to the big city half of the sessions. That represents a 3 ish hour trip one way, meaning I won't be back until well after the shop closes). I am also playing in a Castles and Crusades game run by the player of Obsidius Falx. That one is online and so far it seems work will not stop me. Perhaps we'll get some journal entries for that one, in a similar vein to my earlier Chexi Letters. Finally, my wife has decided to take up the mantle of Judge for her own ACKS II campaign, more news on that front to come.
As it stands in the immediate, I am looking to get these last few reviews out, post some more clarifying information on the Tideland game and perhaps do some in character writing. So for now,
Sail on!
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